Arch Evolution BrandingServices ForResidential Buildings

Arch Evolution Branding Services For Residential Buildings

Whether your coop or condo building is prewar or mid-century modern, to attract qualified buyers today you have to compete with new developments. Developments with fancy brand names, logos, and websites.

While you depend on the amateur photos and poorly-written descriptions of your building on StreetEasy and Zillow.

The solution? Brand your building. A beautiful logo and a website you’re proud of is how you can compete with new developments and attract new residents.

It’s time to stop depending upon the fuzzy photos and lousy descriptions on StreetEasy and Zillow to attract buyers.


“97% of home buyers use the internet to search for homes and 56% visited a home they viewed online.”

- 2021 Home Buyers & Sellers Trends Report, National Assoc. of REALTORS ® -

When A BuildingIs BrandedBuyers Pay More

When A Building Is Branded Buyers Pay More


Residential buildings that have a brand name and their websites attract more buyers. That’s because buyers can quickly envision what it’s like to live there. And, if they love what they see online, they’re motivated to see in person. And, they usually pay more.

Let us uncover your building’s unique brand. Or polish-up the one you already have. And, we’ll build you a stunning website that makes your building shine and you’ll be proud of.

Are you ready to stop losing the most qualified buyers to branded buildings?


“Branded residences command an average uplift of 31% compared to equivalent nonbranded schemes.”

- Knight Frank Residential Research -

Why Arch Evolution ToBrand Your Building?

Why Arch Evolution To Brand Your Building?

Sygrove's Principal Designer Marilyn Sygrove


Our founder and lead designer, Arch Evolution brings a unique combination of creative talent, patience, fortitude, and diplomacy to every project in our office.

That’s why we are the leaders in common area redesign and renovation for existing coop and condo buildings – and have been for three decades.

The Brand Your Building team is comprised of hand-picked experts in brand identity, logo and typography, website design, and copywriting. We have experience working with real estate clients. And, with Marilyn at the helm, we are tremendous at working with even the most particular boards.

Want to chat with Marilyn about branding your building?


More New DevelopmentsAre On The Way

More New Developments Are On The Way

brand your building, Arch Evolution branding services, marilyn sygrove, building websites


The fact is, those sexy new buildings that have appeared in your neighborhood are there to stay. And more construction is coming.

There are two big reasons to brand your building now:

1. Real estate can be volatile but the buildings that have a brand that conveys value and prestige will always attract the most qualified buyers

2. Branding your building is a trend that’s just getting started. The sooner you refine your brand and get your website up, the more visibility you’ll have…and you will attract attention away from similar buildings in your area.

Don’t let other buildings beat you to it.


“There isn’t a design related project we would attempt without consulting Arch Evolution first.”

- Project Liaison, East 79th Street Cooperative Building -

Arch Evolution Branding Services For Condos & Coops

Building name development

Building logo development

Brand identity development

Era-appropriate typography

Color palette development

Adept with condo/coop boards

High resolution photography

Exterior & interior photography

Video walkthroughs

Compelling website copy

Staging for photography

Top-notch website design

Mobile-friendly websites

Best practices in website development