Tips For Clients
Interior Design Project Kick-Off Meeting Goals: How to Start Your Project on the Right Foot
I find that the success of an interior design project; lobby, halls, facade, community room or private residence is closely tied into an overall “game plan”.
How This Designer Got Quoted in The Wall Street Journal!
Secretly (and not so secretly) I had always hoped that after years in a career of long hours, early morning meetings, night meetings, conference calls, stress and deadlines that one day I would get…
Your Decorating Budget and 8 Sure Fire Tips to Get It Right!
Hands down….THE #1 question asked by our clients is “what should our design project cost?” What I tell my clients is they must be clear about the project scope and the level of finish, furniture and…
4 Amazing Technology Tips For Interior Designers
Have you ever thought to yourself – I have all of these apps and new technology that are lots of fun, but is there a way I can put it to good use in my business or on a project? Well…You betcha!
Coop / Condo Lobby Redesign? 5 Surefire Ways to Avoid Disaster
If you own a coop / condo in New York City, you may have been in this situation. At your recent board meeting, a majority of the owners complained (again) that your lobby is not functional and looks…
Inclement Weather and Your Lobby – Interior Designer’s Top 3 Solutions for Rain and Snow!
It’s starting…the forecast is for rain, sleet, snow and if you are really lucky…all three!!! So out come your heavier coats, umbrellas, gloves and waterproof boots.
My Fascination with Cuban Architecture and Interior Design
The prospects of having access to Cuban architecture and interior design are simply AWESOME! I am pouring through on-line travel brochures to see which ones have the most comprehensive packages. I…
Recipes and Renovations
It’s holiday time. You have the whole family and close friends coming over for a meal. If you are anything like me, you decide on the table settings and menu in advance...
How My Dog Helped My Business
Pets have always been a big part of my life. My Mom was as crazy about animals (and bugs) as I was! When I was born we had Speckles, a large dog that was half Dalmatian and half… who knows what!
4 Secrets To Preparing To Meet With Your Interior Designer
The hard work is over. You’ve finally found the perfect interior designer and you’re ready to get started on your project. Pretty exciting, right? It is exciting!